Dress made of 25,000 Piece of Metals and Crystals

Luxury and Wearable Chainmail Fashion

Couture cloth designed by House of Li Jon is probably one of the best piece of jewellery you can wear. And I mean literally “wear”. Each piece is customized to fit your specific measurements and typically made of 5,000 to 25,000 piece of polished rings and crystals in different colors and tonality.

House of LiJon sculpted couture
Art Hearts Fashion 2016, Miami, Florida – Hair by Myo Lai (winner of Junior Style Stars 2013) , Photo Credit: Maria Rock Photography

Sculptured Couture is the name of collection described by artist Lia Mira, designer behind House of Li Jon brand. After researching the medieval craftsmanship of chainmailing, and getting inspiration from jewelry design, Lia began the ambitious process of teaching herself the unknown. Finally through much trial and error, Lia Mira learned to sculpt metal and crystal into wearable, stylishly sophisticated, fine art couture.

Chainmail Fashion art dress and Sculptured Couture design – Hair & Makeup by April Love Pro team and renowned hair stylist Myo Lai
Li Jon work detail in Chainmail fashion art
Chainmail fashion art in Sculptured Couture design

Li Jon sculptured couture are exclusive chainmail fashion pieces. Only 1 to 5 pieces will be created per collection. Each line will be retired at the fifth piece.

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